For just $15 a month, you can get even more savings with our Dental Plus Plan.
The dental plan focuses on oral health prevention, maintenance, and accessibility to quality affordable dental care. This commitment is reflected by providing members access to free preventative dental care procedures. Our comprehensive dental plans provide preventative care as well as restorative, diagnostic, X-Rays, and periodontal care.
- There are no deductibles, annual maximums, or waiting periods.
- Each plan comes with a benefit schedule that fully details covered procedures and costs.
- Our dental plans cover all pre-existing conditions.
- We have one of the largest networks of dental providers in Florida.
- Enroll today and see a dentist tomorrow.
DIAGNOSTIC - Free periodic oral evaluation
- Free detailed oral evaluation
X-Rays - Free intraoral complete series, once per 3 years.
- Free periapical first film.
- Free periapical each additional film.
- Free bitewing, single film, once per year.
- Free bitewing, two films, once per year.
- Free bitewing, four films, once per year.
- Free panoramic film once per 3 years.
- Free pulp vitality test.
- Free diagnostic cast
Preventive - Free routine adult prophylaxis once per 6 months.
- Free routine child prophylaxis once per 6 months.
- Free topical application of fluoride (child).
RESTORATIVE - Free amalgam up to 4 surface